What to Expect
What time is the service?
The Sunday morning worship service begins at 10:30.
What about my children?
We value families worshiping together, so we offer a children’s sermon during the service. After the children’s sermon, children in kindergarten and younger go to extended session for the remainder of the worship service. We also have a fully staffed nursery for very young children.
Where do I enter?
We have greeters at all main entrances to the facility on Sunday morning. Anyone of them will be glad to direct you to the Welcome Center.
What do I wear?
We have everything from “wing tips to tennis shoes” in our worship service. Remember, Jesus wore a robe. He would be welcomed at our worship service! Wear what you are comfortable wearing.
What about Bible study?
We have Sunday morning Bible studies for all ages at 9:15. Contact the church office for ongoing weekday Bible study sessions available via ZOOM or In-Person.
Anything on Wednesday nights?
Choir practice is every Wednesday from 6:30p - 8:00p, at this time. Due to COVID, we periodically offer Wednesday night Bible study and First Wednesday Family Fellowship.